Purpose over Privilege

I had a conversation with a friend who veers towards the right but is fairly level headed. Like lots of conversations we couldn’t agree about current events and I feel that this is the issue we have to deal with when it comes to tackling racism. It’s the quiet ones, the ones who have underlying racism that don’t understand the importance of what is happening all over the world. The ones who would never outwardly say it but focus on the destruction rather than the protest.

I have seen a lot of negativity about the Black Lives Matter protests.

Some of the points have been valid and that is that the virus is still out there.

Unfortunately, the virus is less of a killer then racism.

George Floyd didn’t choose his death but we all watched it.

I just want to say this.

The weekend before he died was sunny in the UK and Britain’s flocked to the beach. This is privilege because you didn’t have to do this. Our government said they could, so they did. Beaches were packed, germs were spread and the virus had a free for all.

This was a choice; families went to the beach even though they knew there was a chance they may catch it.


George Floyd went to buy cigarettes and never came back because of police brutality. If it hadn’t been caught on camera I wouldn’t know his name. This happens all the time and in the UK we see it even less. That doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen, it just means it’s not covered enough.

Fighting for a cause is a choice but it’s a choice with purpose.

Protesting is the right thing to do.

Fighting racism is the only choice we have.

If I wasn’t shielding, I would have been there.

Protests are not comparable to people sunbathing, you cannot compare the amount of people shopping in Primark throughout the country to people protesting.

This really is a case of Purpose over privilege, the protests couldn’t wait.

You shopping for unnecessary items could have.

Purpose over Privilege.

Lock down maybe easing up in the UK but this conversation still needs to continue and I cannot ignore what is happening.

Image was from the BBC news.

3 responses to “Purpose over Privilege”

  1. Interracial marriage and a wealth transfer is the only thing that will create an interracial oneness. Interracial marriage humanizes black people and the wealth transfer changes the black image.


    1. That’s an interesting perspective. I do see what you mean but it could never be achieved.
      Wouldn’t it also create a dilution of Black people?
      People will always find a reason for hatred and racism, always.
      What would we do about Asians?
      We just need to teach children that we need to judge people on there actions and not use generalisations as they are dangerous.
      We also need to teach people to listen to the pain of the past and move in the right direction. It will always be a battle unfortunately.
      When I was born my mixed raced father was happy we were pale because that meant we never had to struggle on that level.
      White privilege is the biggest battle in the world right now.


  2. The ideology behind blackness, created by white supremacists physicists, will be done away. Even now, the newest generation are not looking at race with the same eyes.


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